A comic by
Eoin Magee

A Dodgeball and Mech Shounen
...webcomic about Rex (and friends) fighting to be dodgeball champs, while also trying to manage his mech though races and battles (and more)!

Diamond Cutter Chapter 1 Cover

Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments -

Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments - Underground Mech Racing - Mech Battles - Dodgeball Tournaments -


After the first few pages, you'll jump into our comic reader. (Start Reading There Now) Enjoy!

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Series Details

Seriously, just start reading this comic. Look at those pages above, then read. If this comic's something you'll like, you'll start to feel something as you keep turning the pages. That's spirit; that shounen vigor. All I can really say is (like all true webcomics), the art and story grow and develop massively. The world develops, the characters grow, Eoin Magee grows. Unrelated, there's a moon research station mentioned early on but never becomes anything, I don't think…? There's a lot going on and it's all fun.

Start reading from…

  1. Diamond Cutter Chapter 1
  2. Diamond Cutter Chapter 2
  3. Diamond Cutter Chapter 3
  4. Diamond Cutter Chapter 4
  5. Diamond Cutter Chapter 5
  6. Diamond Cutter Chapter 6
  7. Diamond Cutter Chapter 7
  8. Diamond Cutter Chapter 8
  9. Diamond Cutter Chapter 9
  10. Diamond Cutter Chapter 10
  11. Diamond Cutter Chapter 11
  12. Diamond Cutter Chapter 12


Eoin's likely avatar online

Eoin Magee's comics all have a very spirited 'brawl' energy. There's this undoubtable manga inspiration, but to say he's only reading fight manga would be a massive disservice to the truth. Although I'd categorize all his comics as shounen or seinen (or in between), there's a western foundation as well, that plays out in a nice way with structure, and a little accent to the art.

Eoin Magee's been making comics for a while. The key about this, for me, is the amount of growth he's had. His current series, the wrestling tourney battle comic, New Challenger, is where it really starts accelerating - that's why we're printing it! The start of this journey was Diamond Cutter, a dodgeball & mech shounen webcomic. Blood Rush, a completed vampire brawl action comic, took it a step up with the action (and blood). New Challenger keeps getting better every chapter; I've also had a glimpse into Eoin's future comics… and I'm very, very excited (to say the least).

Please visit our Shop for print editions! And, our mailing list is a way you can forget about us until I surprise you with a new comic release. Thank you.