Hentai High School home of teenage sex drives, MILFS and nude beaches.

Now To Fire Up the Maury Machine...

6th Apr 2024, 11:29 PM
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes) Rate this comic
Now To Fire Up the Maury Machine...
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Author Notes:

Ebenezer Splooge 6th Apr 2024, 11:29 PM edit delete
Ebenezer Splooge
Still trying to get back in to the swing of things again.

Dialogue (you can use Google Translate to convert from English to another language):
Nurse Ruby Naughtygail: Look, I Can only run tests against people in the student database... So Do you want to keep this a secret or call your parents?
KimberMac Arthur: I would like to call my mother but I left my cellphone in my locker...
Nurse Ruby Naughtygail: Go ahead and get it, it’ll take awhile to run the tests against the database.
KimberMac Arthur continuing: Okay, thanks, I’ll be back after I get my phone...
