What Happened to “To The Wildersea”?
Well, where to start? First off, I am so sorry I disappeared. I thought about coming back here so many times to explain but the past six years have been hard. And explaining why I was giving up something that was...

What Happened to “To The Wildersea”?

Well, where to start? First off, I am so sorry I disappeared. I thought about coming back here so many times to explain but the past six years have been hard. And explaining why I was giving up something that was so important to me for so long…it hurt. Admitting defeat is never easy.

Around the time of the last post, in the midst of trying to juggle a new full time job and this project, my computer died. I had planned to come back, or at least I kept telling myself that, once I had a working computer. Then my mother got sick. In the midst of her illness, my father got sick too. But we didn’t know about it until a few months before he passed away. I had a couple years with my mother. Until she joined my father. Like I said, it’s been a hard few years.

In the middle of all of that, I transitioned. There were themes in this story that are pretty clear in hindsight, but I couldn’t see them as I was drawing them. But all the same, this story was my way to process being transgender. It took a few major tragedies for me to actually see myself, but I got there in the end. I’m thankful I did. Despite everything, I’m happier now than I have been for a long time.

So, will I be going back “To the Wildersea”? The answer is no. I will be keeping this up for as long as I am able, as I’m proud of the work I did, but I’ve kinda moved on from the person who made this. Truth be told, I was never quite sure where this story was going. I had a rough idea but I never had all of the pieces. I wish I hadn’t left it on such a cliffhanger (I had always intended for Fie to be rescued and in the end for her to finally be the woman she always wanted to be. I am a little sad I never brought that to fruition)

I’m actually in the middle of a new story. I took the broken pieces from the Wildersea and the lessons I learned from breaking them, and put them into something new. A story I’m really proud of. I’ve grown as both an artist and a writer in the time between there and here. Another process piece about being trans, of sorts, but one in which I have all the pieces. It’s called “Along the River Phoria” and while it has nothing to do with the Wildersea, or its world, it’s a sister story of sorts. A very similar flavor. Not animated, but that’s probably a good thing for my hand, lol. If you’re interested, you can read it here

To those who followed this, I don’t expect you to follow along with that one. I know I kinda did this story dirty. I can’t promise I won’t give up the ghost on that story either. Webcomics are brutal work, however satisfying it may be. But I did want to come back, if only to explain. I am sorry. But I’m so grateful for those of you that followed along and commented. You all made it worth it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Safe travels.

