KEXX: Emmalence of the Realms

Enlightenment is Not Salvation. Salvation is Not Enlightenment. Both are Required. Neither are Free.

KEXX is going on a break...

KEXX is going on a break...
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Author Notes:

Fig 12th Sep 2017, 2:05 AM
Guys... this is hard. I've long thought about this, but I never actually thought I'd ever be here. First and foremost, I would like to say that I am not scrapping KEXX. KEXX and its universe, characters, philosophies and themes are things I have been cultivating for the greater part of 24 years now; it is a deeply personal project, as much a part of me as I am of it. Secondly, I would like to extend my deepest and most sincere gratitude to anyone and everyone who was with me during this amazing journey. All of your words of encouragement and critique helped to convince me that I'm not worthless or untalented, a notion that I'm still honestly struggling against.
When I began KEXX, I was deeply emotional, having just been dumped by the only woman I have ever loved, and it was both a physically and emotionally abusive relationship for both parties. I dove headlong into my work, hoping that the webcomic platform would give me the freedom I needed to experiment and make mistakes, to learn. It did. The problem was the project itself. Such a deeply personal endeavor led me to become obsessive and overly critical of myself, and the fact that for the first time in my life people seemed to be connecting with my vision caused me to put even more pressure upon myself, and the ever-growing emotional turmoil of the past few years has done nothing to help this. I have since realized that I have been running from my pain, using my comic as an outlet, and it has suffered greatly in my eyes as a result.
I have only just in the last few months started to truly return to God and heal from the pain that began this comic's first public iteration, and with my recent apotheosis has come another: KEXX, as it stands, cannot continue.
I am not convinced that my current abilities will allow me to satisfactorily tell the story of KEXX as it needs to be, and yet in my time of absence my skills have so greatly surpassed its current iteration that it would be a disservice to everyone involved to continue on in this manner. I sincerely apologize to those of you who have genuinely enjoyed KEXX up to this point, and I hope to see you all again in the future. But what does the future hold? :3

I am proud to say that since the start of the year (and a little before) I have been working on a number of tertiary projects, two of which I am extremely proud of. One is a project I hope to get to print over the next few years, and another is a more... serious attempt at webcomics. While it is still a bit too early to say much at all about either of these projects, I can assure you of their standing head and shoulders above either of KEXX's serious iterations thus far. I hope I'll see you all there :D
In keeping with that, I should probably start keeping up with social media xD Once all that is done, I'll probably update this site again with the appropriate contact info and places; I'd love to connect with you guys. And just because KEXX is currently over doesn't mean I'm leaving Comic Fury either. If anything, it means I have more time to lurk than ever!

Again, I just want to say how grateful I am for all of you, especially all of you who put up with my wishy-washiness. I promise I'll be better next time. And until then, I wish you all the best!

You are all that is precious.


Seabiscuit 18th Sep 2017, 2:50 AM
Aw Fig... I'll wait forever!;^;
Fig 11th Oct 2017, 3:03 AM
thanks, seabiscuit! that means a lot :3
BlueDragon 25th Sep 2017, 5:14 AM
I definitely want to see where your journey takes you both with KEXX and any other projects you are on. Just going off of the work I've seen you post here, I'd pretty buy whatever you published on good faith ;)

So frickin' talented. Can't wait to see more art!
Fig 11th Oct 2017, 3:05 AM
0.0 wow... thanks, bluedragon! i'm floored. rest assured, i'm working hard on something worthy of such praise xD i'll be sure to let you guys know when it's coming.
Twistedfro 4th May 2021, 4:32 AM
I miss you boo!!
Guest 10th Sep 2021, 10:53 AM
I miss you too boo :)