Dark Prince Web Comic Page 1 ?


Hi friends,
I wrote Dark Prince almost 10 years ago and it’s no longer in print or available on Amazon Kindle (due to new formatting requirements).  I’ve decided to share it for free on this new web comic site!  Please excuse my advertisements on the side.  Ebooks are still my primary income.  It would be great if doing this will help new readers discover my writing.

I am hosting these web comics on Tumblr because it has all the benefits of a web site with social media already built in.  I want to allow comments on the pages which means I’ll need to put a question mark at the end of every post title.

I hope you’ll comment, reblog, and share on Facebook. If this web comic site becomes popular enough I will put up all sorts of free yaoi manga.  I hope to put out original manga in the future too! 

I really want to do a manga version of my Maelstrom series!  It takes a lot of money to pay a talented artist, however, so I will be looking into generating ad revenue or signing up for Patreon.  Please follow for all the future developments! -Yaoimila

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