i was going on my site the other day to catch up on comics on my link list when i realized i haven't written a public blog post since january. whoof. hi, i'm alive!!

it's been a year so far. family shit, municipal service failure shit, car dying shit, medication snafu shit, tree wizard shit, just a whole lotta shit for it to only be april!! my checkup for my tiny lung got pushed back til summer, but otherwise my health's been fine i guess?? yay??? and the cats are all healthy so that's good.

i reluctantly made a blusky for art crossposting, if you prefer that to using a site like weasyl or da or fa or whatever.

i also gathered my pokeshaming art from a few years ago into a little zine and posted it on itchio for people who are fans of pokemon to enjoy!

other than that i'm currently just busy trying to help reader/fan (and now friend lol) fairy who found th emselves in a real bad situation in boston. you can catch up on more of their situation here and it gives ways you can help out too, but i think they're past the worst of the situation at this point. still, never hurts to help ykno?

i'm still trying to get through cleaning up arc5 for print, still trying to sell the old truck, still trying to find the good work/life balance where i can drink a cup of coffee without it being an act of self sabotage. catch you sooner or later with some updates. and if you're new here...hope you enjoy my comic.


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All writing, characters, webdesign and artwork are (c) Hekshano Industries 1997-2024
Fan works are (c) their respective authors, creators and artists.