Comic 50 - AWESOME PAGE 50

25th Nov 2010, 11:18 AM in Chapter 3: The Chapter After Chapter 2
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Author Notes:

Anson Hunter 25th Nov 2010, 11:18 AM edit delete
Anson Hunter
Happeh THANXGIVING! Sorry it took so long...BUT HEY, THIS IS PAGE 50 & I hope you've enjoyed 2/3 Dead thus far...but will be going on an update hiatus til mid-January (to reload the great comic material guns). DON'T DESPAIR! In its place will be a comic I've been working on for weeks that I know you'll love...STAY TOONED FOR MORE INFO!

oh yeah...if you haven't seen it on NEWGROUNDS or YOUTUBE already...the animated episode is available on this site! (ALSO SUBSCRIBE)
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