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Chapter: Ch. 5 - Little Secrets Page: ch.5, p.144 - Intel

20th May 2024, 8:09 AM
ch.5, p.144 - Intel

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Author Notes

20th May 2024, 8:09 AM
Welcome back! Apologies for my brief hiatus. I was extremely sick and uncomfortable. I am much better now, and ready to get back to it!

And we get back to it with our thieves, the Little Bastards. Specifically, we focus on Bonnie and Harley today. Most of the other thieves have some kind of side gig going on today, so Harley alone is tasked with returning to the Library to learn more about who they stole from and who they may have meant to steal from. It turns out, they may be thieves, but they're not bad kids. If they did indeed steal from underprivileged kids, they'd rather return it; but Bonnie wants to remove all doubt first.

But Bonnie intends to spend her time looking into Theo's crest. Jude is trying to unlock whatever's inside Eiji's sheath medallion. And Rhys is perhaps a little hyperfocused on Chiaki's UsaMaMa-chan. Arc, meanwhile, is the one Nara got a good look at - and perhaps the most distinct - so for her safety, Bonnie doesn't want Arc anywhere near the Library this time.

This leaves only Harley with the job of going back to the GA. How all the thieves spend their time will be explored as we go - to varying degrees - but Harley will have a little bit more of a spotlight this time around.

My Impossible Soulmate, all characters, and all other aspects of the story are copyright material belonging to Jocelyn Samara (aka Lynn Senpai).

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20th May 2024, 8:40 AM
Arc looks upset in panel 8 someone should give her a hug.
20th May 2024, 8:50 AM
I hope the Little Bastards can become friends with the Golem Hall kids.
20th May 2024, 9:10 AM
I can see Harley going back in and getting to meet the remaining members of the class, while Eiji and Nara's team finds the base have have a much less kind confrontation. That is assuming that Harley does not run into Belial while trying to infiltrate and panics.
20th May 2024, 9:40 AM
I am so glad to hear you are doing better! And I'm excited for Harley's return. I hope he gets a chance to talk with Nagisa about gender!