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The Wizard Sebastian PH.D, ambitious and high-strung, is always getting caught up in everyone else's problems, magical or otherwise! However, with the help of his demon roommate Saffron, and kind friend Lotus, he'll find his way and settle into his new countryside home and job.

Read ahead + behind the scenes on Ko-fi!

Seb & Spice is a comic project myself and my friend Jake are creating together. See behind the scenes art and follow the development of Seb and Spice on Ko-fi! There you’ll find sketches, concept art, and as a Ko-fi member you will also be the first to see each episode as they air on Ko-fi a whole week earlier than anywhere else!

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Meet the characters

  • Sebastian

    Occupation: Wizard
    Age: 26
    Education: PHD in Transmutation, minored in Alchemy

  • Shroom

    Winged cat
    Occupation: Wizard’s familiar
    Age: 4
    Education: Seb taught him some tricks

  • Saffron

    Occupation: Menace
    Age: Like 200 or something
    Education: Street smarts

  • Lotus

    Dragon folk
    Occupation: Herbalist, farmer, and follower of the Draconic nature god Nadir
    Age: 45
    Education: Raised by elves

Meet the Creators

Two best friends became roommates in the Spring of 2021 and have been sharing adventures both in real life and in TTRPGs since. This story was originally intended to be a one-on-one TTRPG game, but after talking about it more, and as ideas bubbled up, these friends decided to create a delightful comic as a team, and can’t wait to share it with you!

  • Writer

    TTRPG enthusiast and mastermind behind the characters and world building of “Seb and Spice”.

  • Illustrator, editor

    Enjoyer of fantasy and the one who brings the world to life through little pictures.



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Joint Authorship Copyright © 2023-2024 The copyright for “Seb & Spice” is co-owed by Anna Amelia C. and Jake B.