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26-15 Getting Things Organized

Fri, 10th May, 2024

BMR on Fri, 10th May, 2024

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You know, even having that teleportation thing in a village that only takes five minutes to get from end to end would be pretty convenient. Like, sure, a village that small? Where you can traverse the entire width of it twelve times in an hour? It wouldn't seem to be all that useful. But I know my lazy bum would still love to have it. And the Mater also likely has waypoints set elsewhere beyond the village, though probably not that far beyond.

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LexiLogic on Fri, 10th May, 2024

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In an era of magical telecommunications, it wouldn't constitute laziness as much as it simply constitutes necessity. The Master is Lord and Chief of a small village, just large enough to be a pain in the ass, to small to delegate. The faster he can move about said village and the immediate surroundings, the better he can do his job. While coming off as a playful fellow, he clearly has a deep and thoroughly affixed sense of responsibility to his people. He is after all still wearing his ceremonial chieftan's phylactery crown in spite the treaty effectively being null and void, well provided that it isn't a piece of costume jewelry.

If one then considers that approximately twenty years have passed, the master likely has a series of waypoints that leap frog through the passes to various important locations to him. After 1500 years there is no way he is so naive to think that the village would stand uncontested for another 1500, much less that there are not places that he wants to keep an eye on for both nostalgia and religious significance--he keeps a garden of flowers as a Lich of a knowledge oriented deity, he doesn't sleep, and twenty years of the same scenery not seeing places treasured to him once, would rankle on his nerves. Not going absolutely insane due to immortality with hobbies and access to further research materials were and are probably high priority to him.

Albeit I concur that it only makes sense that he wouldn't bother with a waypoint network extending more then perhaps ten minutes of walking past the fields, maybe twenty along the path(s), in order to help the villagers and their children that got lost in those first few and troubling years of foundation, makes the most sense and probably a couple of places avalanches occurred in the past to 'keep an eye on them'.

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