Kaza's Mate, Gwenna - Overview

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No Comics this week 3/19
by Jay042 on 19th Mar 2024, 1:16 AM
Yeah, I've been busy with some commission and the Easter Exchange this week and my buffer has dwindled. So it might be a while before we get back here.
I started another comic
by Jay042 on 18th Nov 2023, 4:06 PM
I'm indulging my AI art habit and my desire to talk about whatever is goign on in my life with my new comic Kaza and Gwenna talk about stuff.
A little audience participation
by Jay042 on 16th Nov 2023, 4:17 PM
I have a bunch of threads I'm playing out in this current story. I'm alos being indecisive about where to go with it. So how about you tell me where to go.

Take the poll and tell me what you want to see.
No Comics this week
by Jay042 on 9th Oct 2023, 8:13 PM
While I finished up this year's 24 Hour Comic Challenge well enough. This did leave me without any time for the comic this week. So I'll continue the hiatus while I get some more pages knocked out.
Maintaining a buffer
by Jay042 on 18th May 2023, 12:20 PM
As I had mentioned briefly before, I had a number of medical problems at the start of April and had been dealing with them throughout the month, which ended with me being hospitalized for eight days, Thankfully I am feeling much better, though my recovery is taking some time.

I am rather proud that through all of this, I did maintain my comic buffer and kept publishing two pages a week. Just from looking at my files on the computer I noticed I didn't create any comics for the month of April (no surprise considering the shape I was in.) and since I got home I've been able to make six pages in fairly quick succession.

The current story will be wraping up in the next few weeks, and I will probably put the comic on hiatus while I work on my next story.