Rasputin Catamite webcomic copyright 2010-2021 V.L. Wojtanowicz, L. Wojtanowicz, R. Lama H., A. House, K.M. Claude and T. Cliff. Mature audiences. This site generates income from affiliate links. For privacy and information on how we use cookies visit Velvet Rasputin.

Lechy's Willow Patch

18th May 2024, 12:00 AM in May Day
Lechy's Willow Patch
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Frame 1
Sasha clenches his teeth in irritation. Sodom is standing behind him in full regalia of The Flowers of Satan's Voice, a black hooded robe which consists of two outlined red upside down crosses with two of the flowergram embroidered underneath them. The hood is on, and he is wearing an inverted pentagram necklace. His hands are covered in blue pawed gloves and his face is covered in a mask. Decoy’s wearing a bear mask, a sword with a handle like a needle on a belt sheath and a peasant tunic and trousers with boots. There’s also a woman wearing a Kikimora mask with long gray curls (like an older Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show), a kerchief, a simple cape, yellow leggings, arm length green gloves, and a old fashioned slavic peasant dress. Her skin is pale where it is visible. Like Sasha, they seem unaffected by the cold.

Doctor Benitez...

Lord Sodom (gesturing to Kikimora)
Which one?

Frame 2
Sasha huddles and covers his chest. He looks clearly agitated.

Why are you here?

Frame 3

Lord Sodom
What’s the matter? Can’t you read my mind?

Frame 4
Sasha’s agitation turns to anger.

This is Lechy’s forest. Get out of here!

Lord Sodom
Load my Place Save my Place

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