HAT-Letitia Cromwell 8.2 36

4th May 2024, 12:00 AM in HAT-Letitia Cromwell Chapter 8
HAT-Letitia Cromwell 8.2 36
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Author Notes:

4th May 2024, 12:00 AM
Check out the Chapters page for all completed and ongoing stories! Vote for me at Top Web Comics!

Well, she SAID this was going to happen.

More layers than one would think went into Elspeth's skirt here. I don't think I'll try that particular look again.

A word from our sponsor…
There sure are a lot of cool adult comics out there! And a lot of them are locked behind a paywall; today's model seems to be giving away the clean version and charging for the smutty stuff. I do this comic on the public radio version -- it's all free, and I periodically come panhandling for support through my Patreon. There are a few benefits (like early release dumps at the start of new chapters), but mostly I'd just like you to consider supporting me with a few dollars a month to help make sure that this comic keeps going. Thanks!