a social circle that demands aggressive curating

Two things! I am having printer issues once again; the preorder period for Volume 3 will be ending a bit abruptly on May 23rd. I had planned to make more regular announcements about it once I had some real dates for y’all, the way you do during preorder periods, but due to a complete lack of communication that didn’t happen. Oh well! Go grab a copy if you want it.

Also I am suddenly going to be at FanExpo Denver! I’m not officially on the list, but if you go by Conner Herbison’s space, I might be behind it and there might be some items you can get from me in exchange for currency. Neat!

WAIT I ACTUALLY HAVE THREE THINGS: May is the last month you can set up a recurring donation if you want to get in on the July postcards! You can read more about all of that and see previous sets over on the support page.